General Your website is a combination of various aspects such as info, interactive, games, etc. Can't specificlly be classified.
International Your homepage is not about the Japanese or DiC dub of Sailor Moon. (i.e. Brazillian Sailor Moon Page) or if it's not in English.
Information In your page is mainly used for reference to Sailor Moon, a place where you can find out about the show and its characters, the manga, etc. (i.e. Hitoshi Doi's Page)
Image Archives Basically speaks for itself. If your site is just a place where you can gather images for people to use. (i.e. Bianca's Sailor Moon Image Gallery)
Multimedia If your page is mainly based around things such as midis, wavs, mp2s, mp3s, avis, movs, etc. Audio/Video entertainment.
Character Shrines If you have a particular liking to one character and decided to make your page based around them. Your page could also be of multiple shrines.
Link Listings If your homepage is just a list of links directing you to other Sailor Moon Pages. (i.e. Karl's Unnecessarily Long Sailor Moon Link List)
Webrings/Clubs/Link Exchanges/Adoption Agencies A webring page, fanclub page, etc. Things you can join. (i.e. Sailor Moon Ring for Moonies)
Anti-Shrines/Website Reviewers A page against a certain character or group (usually clubs) but not always. (i.e. Anti-Mercury Page) Or a place that reviews homepages, good and bad, tells you what to do to improve them. (i.e. M-Squad)
Miscellaneouss Stuff that doesn't fit in any of the other categories. For instance, merchandising pages, games pages, etc.
Fan Fiction/Art/Sub/Dub Orginal materials by you the fans. Fanfiction, fanart, fansubbers, fandubbers

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